I freaking LOVE Kelly Kapoor and Mindy Kaling is kind of my hero (she is one of the fabulous writers on TO). An amazing blogger came up with a list of things we can learn from Kelly. Do you want to find out what those things are? Click HERE It's so much fun. I love everything that Kelly and the writer of that site choose to be. SOURCE
The only reason I'm posting about this is to use that quote from Varsity Blues. TVGUIDE.Com
ABC May Still Make a Play for Football Wives ABC Studios has extended its options on the actors associated with Football Wives, the BBC-adapted sudser pilot that was not picked up at the May upfronts, suggesting the network may tackle the project after all. One of the Alphabet's highest-profile pilots this development season, Football Wives stars Gabrielle Union, Lucy Lawless, Kiele Sanchez (sigh, Nikki...), Ving Rhames and James Van Der Beek. Should ABC ultimately "pass," sources tell the Hollywood Reporter that several other networks, including NBC and Fox, have expressed an interest in it.
I mentioned that I would post about various things that could keep you busy during this long summer hiatus. One of the things I mentioned was books. Yeah. School keeps me busy enough that I haven't had time to read. I started reading this book at the beginning of summer break and I'm half way through.
Everything Bad Is Good For You For once I feel like someone is on my side. I hate when people get on their pedestals and preach about how pop culture is making us dumb. In my opinion, TV is at the peak of it's game. With shows like LOST, Battlestar Galactica, and The Office TV is no longer JUST mindless entertainment. It helps develop our critical thinking skills and doesn't force feed us what THEY think WE should think is funny. Have you ever noticed how The Office doesn't have laugh tracks? As an audience we are smart enough to make the decision to laugh or stay silent. The Office creators recognize that. Have you ever stayed up at night trying to figure out what EXACTLY is going on in the world of LOST? The creators of LOST have constructed a show that is extremely complicated and interlinked;the only way to make sense of anything is if you dig deep inside your brain and use your organizational skills. That my friends, is harder than it sounds. It's kind of like playing a game of memory for years at a time. Back to discussing the book.......
In no way is Johnson trying to tell us that playing video games or watching TV is better than good old fashioned reading, but he tries to tell us what benefits we may get out of engaging in activities that were once considered mind numbing . Like I said, I haven't read the whole thing so I might come back and redact this post, but I get the overall feeling that I wont. For now though give it a shot. You might be entertained. Thanks for letting me rant.
In the name of everything that is good in the world, buy Friday Night Lights on DVD. You wont be sorry-trust me. From DVD Times:
Universal Studios Home Video have announced the Region 1 DVD release of Friday Night Lights: The First Season on 28th August 2007 priced at $29.98 SRP. Expanding on the feature film "Friday Night Lights," this series centers on the small rural town of Dillon, Texas, where the coveted state football championship rings are held in the highest regard. Dillon's promising high school team, its star quarterback, and newly appointed head coach Eric Taylor (Kyle Chandler, "King Kong," "Grey's Anatomy") feel the mounting pressure of the town's pride and honor riding on their shoulders as a new football season kicks off.
Not only is the coach so- hot- it- hurts, the drama and story lines are so realistic you will feel like you are in the middle of a small town in Texas (unless you already are..in that case I recommend you buy The OC Season 1). As much as I love sports related media; this show is more about interpersonal relationships than football.
Did you guys fall in love with John Krasinski after watching that Conan clip? Are you looking for the yummiest pictures on the web? Do you need to be convinced that he is the cutest thing ever? Cuter than THIS picture? Then you have come to the right place! The following are a bunch of random new pictures of the wonderful JK. I can't imagine why my boyfriend doesn't want to watch License to Wed with me? Enjoy!
Don't get me wrong, I love Shia Labeouf; but let the Jew fro free!! Why does he insist on slicking his hair back like a sleazy pimp? He looks like he belongs in the Gotti family or like one of Tony Sopranos thug nephews. Either way, he is still the hottest thing to come out of Disney! Take that Britney! My friend Dee and I have both been looking forward to July 3rd because both of our boyfriends (Shia and John Krasinski) have movies opening that day. I get the feeling that her "boyfriend" is going to make more money at the box office. Just a hunch. SOURCE JUSTJARED
There is just something about a man with eyebrows like caterpillars that does it for me. Seriously, I know I'm the minority here but Jesus-how can you NOT fall in love with such a hairy creature. Here is Zachary Quinto and Kristen Bell at the SICKO premiere. Kristin Looks cute, but who cares about her! Just Kidding-I love you Veronica Mars! I know Zachary isn't the most gorgeous man ever but I'm so in love with his eyebrows and arm hair that I look past everything else. OK guys, I'm officially a weirdo. SOURCE
I feel like a lazy bastard when I watch Man Vs. Wild. I'm a pretty picky eater, and claim that I am starving when I haven't eaten for like four hours. How the hell does Bear Grylls (not his real name) do it? Man Vs. Wild is a survival show on the Discovery channel. The man eats anything and everything to keep himself alive. I recently saw him on Oprah, and gosh darn it, if Oprah endorses him than I'm game! The funny thing is that I have always heard how Oprah has this immense amount of influence on people and popular culture today; I am now officially one of those people. Yikes.
Yes, That video is not fake. Poop! Not only is Mr. Grylls Christian Bales sexier, manlier, long lost cousin;he's enthusiastic and quite a personality. He kind of reminds me of a subdued Steve Irwin. My only complaint with Man Vs. Wild is that every so often I am taken out of the show because I'm wondering:
A)Does the cameraman starve himself along with Bear or is he eating beef jerky and drinking Gatorade while poor Bear Grylls eats maggots?
B)Does the cameraman carry a sleeping bag and a temper-pedic pillow, while Bear sleeps on rocks?
C)Did Bear really drink his own pee or was that lemonade flavored Crystal Light?
Either way, the show rocks my world. Check it out. MAN VS. WILD
I have to put a huge disclaimer before I post the following video. I'm warning you men, women, children, and the elderly will all fall in love with John Kraskinski after this interview. Hurry up and watch it before the nasty NBC people take it off of YouTube.
Um? Shall we recap! Best line of the night "oh, you bleed... that's weird" a very honorable mention " I'm sure he watches a lot of office though, he wants to turn over..." and the simultaneous "but he can't"! Sweet baby Jesus was that good! Like any great obsessed fan I have heard some of those stories before but let me tell you, they never get old. I really liked the George Clooney story and the great imitation of Sarah's crazy friend. You can't go wrong with Conan but if you add a little Krasinski things just get out of control in a way that makes me feel like a crazy person. Did you fall in love? Do you have a crush now? Are you googling Krasinski and looking at You Tube interviews now? I thought so. Proceed with caution though ladies and gents, it can get a little consuming.
Who the frak is Daniel Manu you ask? Is he some hunky new upincomer that was featured in peoples sexiest whatever? Is he a funny new addition to The Office crew? Did he get some hot TV star pregnant? Actually no to all of the above. He is the new director of two of my favorite websites Brilliantbutcancelled.com and Televisionwithoutpity.com, check them out! He also used to be the Editorial Director for TVGUIDE.com and my weekly savior in the war that is the Monday morning commute. What the hell am I talking about you ask? I don't even know myself! All I know is that I miss him very much. You see, I used to listen to The TVGUIDE Podcast ( HERE ) like it was nobodies business. Dan used to open and close each podcast and somewhat moderate what went on during discussion.He had this sort of self deprecating humor that I love in people. After listening to the podcast all year long, I looked forward to hearing his opinions about all of my favorite TV shows, not to mention listen to him say very inappropriate things. It was on my trip to Yosemite in the middle of freaking no where that I got the bomb shell news that he was no longer going to be part of the podcast. I literally screamed as my boyfriend looked at me in sheer horror! Ever since he left the podcast I haven't listened to a single episode. I don't know if I can. Dan is seriously the BEST shit talker ever. If you are going to talk shit you have to be quick on your feet and witty, otherwise you just sound like a fucking asshole. He mastered the fine art of shit talking only like a few can. Not to mention he is the biggest comic book, TV, and pop culture geek (by his own admission). The rest of the trip home I introduced my boyfriend to my love for Dan and we proceeded to listen to the podcast for what must have been four hours. If you guys are as bored as I am or looking for something TV related to listen to go to Itunes or TVGUIDE and check out what I am talking about. If you don't want to instantly become his BFF or geeky girlfriend then you can come back and talk shit. Just a reminder he left on episode 101 so anything after that is sans Dan.
I have to admit that no matter how busy life gets I have to watch TV. The thing I love about half hour (usually works out to 22 min) comedies is that you can watch them with little commitment. I guess it's kind of like going on a date for the first time; you can stay or ditch out depending on how it goes. I fucking love Judd Apatow (freaks and geeks, 40 year old virgin, knocked up)! I have known for a long time that he created another failed TV series after Freaks and Geeks but like the douche I can be I didn't give it a shot. See, I'm not a fan of the college sitcom; I actually think that Saved By the Bell the College Years ruined me on them forever. After watching Knocked up a couple of weeks ago my love for this comedic writer got awakened and I decided to give UNDECLARED and shot. I don't understand how the FOX network can live with itself! What the fuck FOX seriously? Really?!! They go and cancel one of, if not the best TV show of all time (Arrested Development) and continually cancel great original creative comedies (firefly anyone?). Granted, Undeclared isn't as good as Freaks and Geeks but it still makes me laugh, which says a lot. Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and Jason Segel Kind of own the funny. I haven't finished watching the 16 episode season but I'm pacing myself because there is nothing worse than knowing that it is over.
Alright guys, so the summer blows for TV addicts. I mean the only thing I really have been watching is reruns and the discovery channel (we will get to that later). Other than that I am busy being productive and going to school. God, what is that right? I haven't updated in forever because all my favorite shows are on hiatus and I'm a lazy bastard. I decided that today would be the day that I update on what the hell is going on in the fandom world and what shows,websites or books (yes books!) you should check out to help you get through the long summer months.