Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Office news and clip

Is The Office turning into an hour comedy? Is it moving to 9oclock?
Before you read ahead please do me a favor and call this number 1-800-984-3672
you will thank me:) posted an article today on NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker. Toward the end of the second page of the article is an intriguing tidbit about The Office:
At NBC’s “upfront” presentation to advertisers on May 14, Zucker says he expects NBC to unveil five new programs — three dramas, one comedy, and one reality show — for its fall schedule. Zucker and Reilly are considering stretching The Office to an hour and canceling the original Law & Order
Variety is reporting that The Office might make the risky leap to the 9oclock hour!
Clip for this weeks new Office

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