There is nothing I love more than when celebrities take the time to connect with their fans. Fans are the reason they are famous to begin with so I think its great when celebrities recognize that. That is part of the reason I love Kevin Smith so much, he has never forgotten where he came from and is constantly doing things to connect with fans. I give you Jenna Fischer's MYSPACE BLOG:

Wow! What makeup and hair will do for a woman I tell ya.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Newpeats with a side of JAM
Hello MySpacers!
It was very cool meeting so many of you at the Paley Festival. Your enthusiasm and commitment to our show is just so damn cool. It made me wish I could blog more often. I've honestly never been so busy. Finishing this season of The Office while also prepping for my movie Walk Hard and promoting Blades of Glory has been a crazy sort of marathon. I'm not even watching American Idol this season!!! No time. I started watching but truthfully, the contestants are pretty bland. I lost interest. And with time being a precious thing I've had to limit my TV hours to the best of the best – Rome, 30 Rock, 24. *Lost!, and To Catch a Predator. But I BEG YOU! Do not comment me any plot points. I often don't see episodes until weeks later. AND, don't put fake spoilers either…those are actually spoilers…like, don't say "Aren't you sad Jack Bauer lost his arms and legs…just kidding." If this happens, my only defense is to not read my comments until I'm caught up on my TV and that is…well, that's crazy.
Shooting the show has been amazing lately. I wish I could tell you all of the great episodes we have in store. Harold Ramis came back and directed our 50th episode. Can you believe it!? We've made 50 episodes! Tonight they are airing a "Newpeat". Basically, it is a repeat but with some added scenes. For example, I think you find out what happened to Andy after he punched the wall. And there is an extra JAM bit as well.
We are back with original episodes starting April 5th. You can finally see if Roy makes good on his pledge "I'm going to kill Jim Halpert". Right now we are filming the season finale. Ken Kwapis, our original director of the series is back. If you didn't know…it will be a one hour show. We cover a lot of ground. A lot of very awesome ground.
Last week, I saw an advanced screening of Blades of Glory and it's great. The skating sequences with Will Ferrell and Jon Heder are AMAZING. I actually can't wait to see the movie again just so I can see those. I think you will be surprised to know how much of the skating was done by the actual actors. Jon learned how to do a jump, a spin and a bunch of fancy footwork both forward and backwards. People in dramas get a lot of credit for gaining weight for a role or learning some obscure skill. But the actors in this movie were crazy dedicated to skating. They trained for months. Jon broke his ankle at the beginning of training but he healed and still came back to be the best skater of the bunch. I was seriously impressed. The movie comes out Friday March 30th.
Personally I've been doing a little spring cleaning. My family is to visit next week and the week after that my in-laws hit town. Before each visit, I frantically clean the house and pretend like it always looks that way. Also, I've been collecting some great swag with you guys in mind. My closet is literally bursting. It is almost time to do another Share the Wealth. I need the space. So be on the lookout.
(From the desk of Pamela Beesly…don't call me Pammy)
2:13 PM - 193 Comments - 277 Kudos - Add Comment
The office cast has complete internet access while they are filming so that is when she updates her myspace. Video of her talking about her myspace (it's the first couple of minutes the rest is Kristin flirting with John Krasinski)
I can't link from this computer but here is the url to her myspace
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